
Liverpool Mercury
Friday, 7th March, 1856

Wallasey Local Board Of Health

The monthly meeting of this board was held last evening, at the Public Offices, Egremont, Mr. Pooley in the chair; and the other members present were Messrs Penny, Hill, Neville, Wilson, Roberts, Odell, and W.R. Coulborn.

A special meeting of the board was held on the 14th ult., at which it was agreed to apply to the General Board of Health for leave to borrow the sum of £3000 for constructing Trafalgar Road, King Street and Brighton Street.

The minutes of the works and health committee were read, and, on the motion of Mr. Pooley, were confirmed. – In answer to Mr. Odell, the chairman stated that all openings into the main sewers from the dwelling houses were to be made at the expense of the landlords of the property.

The proceedings of the finance, watch, and bye-law committee, which comprised nothing worthy of record, were read, and, on the motion of Mr. Hill, were confirmed. – The clerk read a letter from Mr. Thomas Scambler, superintendent of police, tendering his resignation, after serving in the capacity for 15 years. – A question was asked whether there was a member if the force who was suitable to fill the situation, but the board did not appear to think that a competent superintendent could be raised from the ranks of the Wallasey police force. – Mr. Odell observed that it might be gratifying for the officers who held subordinate situations to know that if their conduct, knowledge, and experience were such as to qualify them for promotion to a superior situation, the board would do so; but he regretted to say he did not think there was one of their present officers who was fit to be promoted to so responsible a situation as superintendent. – After a short conversation, the board resolved to advertise for a superintendent in the place of Mr. Scambler.

The Law-clerk read a petition to be presented to the House of Commons against the Liverpool and Birkenhead Dock Bill. The principal opposition to the bill was grounded on the fact that the parish of Wallasey was not properly represented in the proposed measure. – A short conversation ensued, in which the chairman remarked that the petition  did great credit to the law-clerk, as it embraced all the points which affected the board, and which could not fail to attract the attention of the legislature. – The petition was adopted, and the seal of the board was affixed thereto.

The Law-clerk read an amended description of the properties in connection with the New Brighton, Egremont, and Seacombe ferries to be rated to the general district rate. The new rate had been objected to by Mr. Coulborn, and it appeared he had appealed to the Court of Queen Bench. – Mr Hill moved, pro forma, the adoption of the “amended description,” observing that the question between Mr. Coulborn and the board was going to be raised in a friendly kind of way; there was nothing unpleasant about it. They merely wished to know whether Mr. Coulborn’s view of the case or that of the board was correct. – Mr Coulborn said that the “amendment” was quite in order; be only objected to it for the purpose if guarding himself. – The proposition was agreed to.

A letter was read from Mr. John Hewitt, superintendent of the Liverpool fire brigade, offering to supply that board with a fire-engine similar to the one he had just constructed for the Birkenhead Commissioners. – The letter was referred.

Some routine business, including some appeals against the rates, followed, and the board adjourned. 

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