
Wallasey NEWS
December 7 1963

Wheatland Lane Re-Development

Demolition of more than 60 houses in Beaconsfield Road, Servia Street and Bosnia Street marks the beginning of the first stage in Seacombe’s next big re-development scheme.

Meanwhile another large scale rebuilding plan for Seacombe is emerging. The plan, considered by the Housing Committee on Thursday, envisages a service traffic road from a point near St. Paul’s Church, up to St. Paul’s Road, down Wheatland Lane, and down Kelvin Road to the Dock Road. Land at present partly occupied by the Plaster Board works and the Berwick toy factory, in Birkenhead Road, would be zoned as an industrial area.

Houses, maisonettes and flats are included in the plan on sites to the rear and to the north of the Gandy Belt works.

On the Beaconsfield site will be erected a hostel for the aged.

The scheme for the Demesne area, prepared by the Borough Architect (Mr W.P. Clayton) covers approximately four acres and comprises Brighton Street, Beaconsfield Road, Servia Street, Bosnia Street, Tabor Street, Shaw Street, parts of Demesne Street and Ellis Street.

The number of houses in the area listed for demolition as unfit for habitation was 126, but the order includes houses which it is essential should be demolished to make way for the new property.

The Beaconsfield Road site

The existing property involved extends from No. 17 to 33 Brighton Street, and No’s 4 to 40 (omitting the premises of Chronicle Motors) the whole of Shaw Street and the even numbers of Ellis Street.

Present plans for the development of the area include a two-form entry junior school to replace the existing Riverside School. Among the buildings to be demolished are a public house in Demesne Street and the old post office in Brighton Street. It is not proposed to include any shops in this re-development area.

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